Tagged: wa

hillarys boat harbour 0

Hillarys Boat Harbour Time Lapse

After breaking my first Syrp Genie Mini, Syrp sent me a replacement for $59 USD. This is the first timelapse I’ve been able to shoot after receiving the replacement, shot during a lunch break...


Crimea Carpark Canteen

A short clip PlaneTorque Australia put together for the guys from What the flip! down at the Crimea Carpark Canteen in Morley.   Crimea Carpark Canteen Crimea Park, Morley WA Facebook – https://www.facebook.com/crimeacanteen/ What...

Dad and Me 0

Father’s Day Quad Flying

A short trip out to Toodyay for some Quad flying on Father’s Day 2015. DJI Phantom 3 Professional TBS Discovery Father’s Fay Quad Flying Quad Down! I discovered that I have an issue when...

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Idiot in a Ford Capri

Some people just don’t pay enough attention on the road. Check out this complete idiot in a Ford CapriĀ (the hairdresser model not the cool one) indicate and change lanes in one movement, without properly...

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Idiot Perth Pedestrian

Pedestrian crosses road behind a truck and doesn’t even look for oncoming traffic – Wellington Street, Perth.

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Finally getting some flight time

I’ve brought my quad out of storage, dusted it off and started to clock up some flight time. Quad with the following config; TBS Discovery (DJI F450 Arms) with Core installed. DJI Naza Lite...