Finally getting some flight time
I’ve brought my quad out of storage, dusted it off and started to clock up some flight time.
Quad with the following config;
- TBS Discovery (DJI F450 Arms) with Core installed.
- DJI Naza Lite + GPS
- 750kV Motor / ESC
- Props: RCTimer Carbon 9×5 or Graupner 9×5
- TBS 59 FPV Camera
- ImmersionRC 5.8Ghz Audio/Video Transmitter 600mw
- GoPro Hero2
- TBS Loveseat
- 4S Zippy Compact 4000 25C
Jello running RCTimer Carbon Props?
To be fair although I do have a “loveseat” to dampen the effect, just strapping the gopro down isn’t going to without issues.
Graupners a little better
Dad’s First Flight