Feelworld FW759 Monitor Display Issue
My new field monitor a Feelworld FW759 Monitor has a rather major display fault. It worked when I first got it, two weeks later it started doing this, then it started working again, and...
Random thoughts and rants
My new field monitor a Feelworld FW759 Monitor has a rather major display fault. It worked when I first got it, two weeks later it started doing this, then it started working again, and...
The Historical Statistical Facility (HSF) provides the ability to record statistics related to the time spent in a COBOL program and the time that parts of that program spent in CICS API commands/tasks, SQL...
Synergy Installed network kvm synergy; sudo apt-get install synergy Set up autostart for synergy by following details on http://www.rootusers.com/compiling-synergy-from-source-on-the-raspberry-pi/ I couldn’t get a connection to work running as a service on my Mac Book...
Here are the steps I took to configure my Raspberry Pi to be my XBMC DB and also run SickBeard. Info here mainly so that I have something to refer to in the future...